Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Upside Down Kingdom

In this new blog I hope you'll help me explore the ways of Jesus,
          and become more like Him.

Don't you marvel at Jesus' teachings?
He wanted us to know that God's kingdom was important.
Most of His stories were about that kingdom.
He wasn't just talking about the kingdom in some future time,
          for God's kingdom seemed to begin on earth with the coming of Jesus.

This is a kingdom where you have to become a servant to be great.
A kingdom where the last are first and the first are last.
A kingdom that is continually growing,
          like a tiny mustard seed grows into a large plant.

I've been thinking a lot about God's kingdom recently.
I want to know more about it.
I want to function well as a loyal subject of the King.

In this new blog I hope you'll help me explore the ways of Jesus,
          and become more like Him.
Please post your own writings and comments,
          your own poems and songs
                    that relate to our discipleship journey with Jesus.

God bless you!

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